Saturday, May 31, 2008

Zach coming home

When Zachary comes home from school we have this "routine". The Mom-Andrea takes me out front and says "Go get Zach"! Then I run down the sidewalk (not in the street) until I see Zach and greet him from his day at school. I think we both look forward to this very much. Then I do this figure 8 thing through his legs which really just gives me some rubs and scratches (I like this part best). It's a dogs life.-Tag.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm not sad...

You just caught me napping that's all.
That is my big fluffy bed from costco on the right.
It is too warm to sleep on it right now.
By my nose there is my favorite toy! It is a stuffed moose that squeeks! Now I ask you, what could be better than that?
When my people come home from being gone, I carry it in my mouth and present it to them by dropping it at their feet. But they can't have it! No, no. I'm just sharing for a second. A small milli-second, then you better give it right back-okay?:)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A special day

Last Friday Zachary made his confirmation in the church.
I didn't get to go to that (no dogs allowed in the house of God)
but I did get to be at the party the next day at the house!