Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Just a few pics of me "helping" out with the fall decorations.
Love ~Tag

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Look at My Smile!!

Happy Fall Everyone!
I'm so happy it is fall, look at my big smile!
I am officially a "Shedding machine" right now as I shed my summer coat all over the house now that we are moving into Fall and winter. My favorite time of the year! I can sit out in the back grass more and watch the golfers go by. We have to take walks earlier in the evening at like 6:00-since it is getting darker earlier. And soon it will be time to decorate for Halloween! And time for me to bark at all those Trick-or-Treaters. Happy Fall! Enjoy!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

First day of school 2009!

This year the boys (my boys) Tristan is in 7th Grade and Zachary is in 9th Grade.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Hi! Just wanted to say Hi everyone! I know I haven't been on in quite a while, but I'm back! Here is a recent pic. In this picture I have just come from being groomed at Petco. Check out my sexy blue bandana! I am in the car here-which is one of my favorite places to be. I am also all healed from my surgery (had the growth removed on my back paw). The growth was cancerous, but they got it all and my blood tests are normal. The fur has all grown back over the spot where they shaved me for stitches and everything.
I am so looking forward to the summer. The boys are out of school which means they will be home more with me. I love playing, running, smiling and being with my family!
Hope you have a great summer! Love-Tag!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tag has Surgery

The cone!!

The bandages after surgery.

The growth how it looked before.

Last Monday Tag had surgery to remove a growth from one of his back paws. Here are some pics from the week.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


1. Labrador RetrieverLabrador retriever
owners are always looking for fun things to do. If necessary, they will gladly provide the fun. They love all sports, especially water sports. These people are known for their kindness, compassionate nature and spontaneity. They will try anything, at least once. Favorite TV show: Anything on the Outdoor Life Network.
2. Golden Retriever – Golden retriever owners are generally laid back good people who love the outdoors. They enjoy spending time with their friends and family and many have jobs where they help people. Most also devote some of their free time to volunteering and frequently donate to various charities. Some can be a little too trusting.

Just a little info-